
Koodoo is a simple web app that makes the task of organising paid-for events with friends easy.

March 8, 2018
Product Design
Koodoo app


Have you ever found yourself organising a fun event with friends that turns into herding cats?

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We first tested our own assumptions about event organising pain points with people who had performed the role often. A key insight was that the organiser often naturally becomes the treasurer of the group and getting paid is a painpoint!

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The Koodoo web app allows organisers to create and invite friends to events with a cost per individual. The attendee flow links out to a payment provider after acceptance and in a subtle way, the record of who has paid and who hasn't is visible to all attendees all of the time by default.

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Yovo logoLiving Well logo

"We love working with Rob! From the very first conversation, he really understood our start-up needs and goals. We're super proud of the beautiful brand system we've created together, which has made our design process so much slicker!"

Client avatar of Yovo founder
Izzy Brown
Founder, Yovo

"The workshops we did with Rob were incredibly useful and resulted in so many ideas for enhancing the service we provide. Even better, we've set up systems for gathering guest feedback ourselves!"

Kate from Living Well
Kate Lott
Fundraising & Comms Manager, Living Well